Thursday, December 15, 2011

Meet Our Mentor Mom: {Misty A.}

We are so thankful for the wondering ministry of our MOPS Mentor Moms! Misty has been an incredible encouragement to many of us moms; she truly has a sweet spirit and kind heart.

Tell us about your family. My husband is Bill, and I have two daughters - Sydney, 14, and London, 8. 

Do you currently work? I run a Mary Kay business from my home and work as a make-up artist for a local photographer as well as wedding make-up periodically.

What is a hobby you have that some of the moms may not know about? As of the last year, I guess I would call running a new hobby.  I am not very fast but I am pretty determined.  :) Aside from that I love music and writing my fitness blog.

What is one piece of advice about motherhood that you would like to pass on? Pray blessings over your children!  Pray that if they are doing something wrong, they will be caught.  And don't forget to take time to just be a woman, just you!

What was the most challenging part for you about being a young mom? I struggled with leaving my children with a sitter.  It needed to be done however so I could put our marriage relationship ahead of our parenting.

What book are you currently (or did you last) reading? Most of my reading time these days is in the Bible.  But, I have recently enjoyed re-reading, "Letters from a Skeptic" by Greg Boyd.

Do you have a favorite Bible verse you would like to share? This is the most difficult question!  I feel like my favorites change with each day.  One of my all-time favorites however is John 16:33 "I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace.  In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."  Those words are specifically from Jesus.  And although the struggles that we have in this world can be completely overwhelming, they are nothing compared to the sacrifice that Jesus chose to make for us.  And he's encouraging us!

How has your experience been with being a MOPS mentor mom?  I am incredibly blessed by being a Mentor Mom.  At the beginning of this year, I began praying that this position would really mean something for the women in our group.  I've built a few incredible relationships and am seeing how precious they are.

Christmas Traditions {by Melissa H.}

Christmas time is my favorite time of the year.  It is always busy with so many things to do, people to see, presents to wrap, cookies to bake and the list goes on and on.  That is what makes this month so special to me.  

I have such fond memories of my family’s Christmas traditions growing up that I really want to give my children the same gift.  Of course we do all the typical things like decorate the tree, hang Christmas lights, bake cookies, but I really wanted to do something every year to help us remember why we really celebrate Christmas.  I have done Advent calendars in previous years but have never really made it as special as I did this year.  

With the suggestion of a MOPS speaker a couple years ago, I bought the magnetic nativity advent calendar and Advent Book.  Every night the girls and I open a door on our book and read a verse or two from the Christmas story.  The girls also find another piece of the nativity scene in each door on the calendar.  This year I also added an activity, treat, dessert, or service project to each day.  It requires a lot of organization but my girls can’t wait to open the next little door to see what’s inside.  

Granted they have not liked all of the activities such as choosing 3 toys to donate.  Other days include watching “The Polar Express”, decorating a gingerbread house, buying toys for the toy drives at school, visiting Santa, painting Christmas ornaments, baking cookies and making cards to deliver to our elderly neighbors, driving around  to see Christmas lights, eating a Christmas dessert or treat, and attending the Christmas Eve service.  

My hope is that they will understand that Christmas is so much more than how many presents Santa brings them, but rather,  how much joy they can bring to others at this time of year.  

Finally, I want them to understand just how blessed they are to be able to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  I plan to continue these traditions every year and maybe they will have fond memories of Christmas as I do.